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Test Preparations

Are you planning to study or work abroad? Well, different countries and universities have specific language requirements, and that's where we come in to help! Our consultancy specializes in test preparation for language exams like IELTS, JLPT, and PTE. These exams are essential for proving your language proficiency and ensuring a successful journey abroad. Whether you're aiming for higher education, work opportunities, or just want to improve your language skills, we offer a wide range of language preparation programs to meet your needs and help you achieve your goals. Let us guide you on your path to success and open up a world of opportunities!


​ IELTS is available in: Academic – for people applying for higher education or professional registration, and General Training for those migrating to Australia, Canada and the UK, or applying for secondary education, training programmes and work experience in an English-speaking environment. Both versions provide a valid and accurate assessment of the four language skills: listening, reading, writing and speaking.


It's a timed, paper-based standardized test designed to gauge your reading comprehension and listening skills in Japanese with five difficulty levels.​ Who do we have to thank/blame for this? Well, it was devised by the Japan Foundation and Japan Educational Exchanges and Services (what a mouthful!) in 1984. Hundreds of thousands of people take it around the world every year, so it's currently the most common test of Japanese language proficiency.​

The test was revised in 2010 to be more difficult — looking at you, N1 — and thus was born the current version of the JLPT we know and love today. And you don't have to be in any special Japanese program or classes to take the JLPT; it's open to anyone who signs up. While the JLPT is intended to test non-native speakers, native Japanese speakers can take it too. The exam's five levels go from N5–N1 in order of increasing difficulty, with test-takers choosing which level to take.


PTE is totally a computer-based test and even the marking is done by the computer. This test is designed in such a way - to assess the candidate’s English abilities that are planning to study or work in abroad.​

The best part of this test is – results can be achieved within 5 business days. Besides, test dates are available at any time. There are over 200 test centers across the globe.